Maths Tuition
About this Course
As an alternative to coming to our school Play piano now offer a home tuition service where you can have a catch up mathematics lesson taught in the comfort of your own home. This service is also offered in online mode and a written report is also presented at the end of the academic year. Our tutors are all Garda Vetted and employ the same teaching methods used to teach in our school. The fact that they are being dispatched from a locally based school with a proven track record of success makes it a good alternative if you are not close to or cannot avail of tuition in your area.

No need to drive or go anywhere

Taught by a tutor from the Play Piano Team

Exam paper focused for Junior and Leaving cert.

Book a once off lesson or a series of lessons

Who can take advantage of this course
New students in the Local Area or further a field if lesson taken online The siblings of current Play Piano Students People who are repeating an exam or looking for a crash course.
Fees and Funding

At Play Piano the tuition year consists of 40 weeks duration and is divided into three terms. Please note that fees are charged by the term and not on a weekly basis. All fees must be cleared by the end of a term. See our school Terms and Fees section for more information.

How to Apply

A consultation will be held at the school or online for all new potential students prior to enrolment. At the consultation the enquiring student will be informed of operational procedures regarding the Service and presented with an enrolment form. When this is completed and returned the student will be added to the waiting list and contacted when his / her desired time comes available.